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Antora UI with po4a and collector

Antora i18n UI description

This Antora UI is based on the Antora Default UI, with the purpose of facilitating a multilingual site.

While it follows as closely as possible the default ui, it adds the following features/changes:

  1. Translates the lang meta attribute of the html element using the component version (lang) value, or the :page-lang: attribute in the source document.

  2. Makes use of header-content.$lang.hbs partials for a translated header for each language.

  3. Incorporates the Antora Lunr Extension to provide offline search in lunr supported languages.

  4. Adds the node getttext.js package to translate:

    1. Tooltips in the ui.

    2. Search placeholder message (Search here…​)

    3. "Contents" title of right side bar

    4. "Edit this page" link text

    5. "Display the translated 'component' name in language menu

  5. Incorporates the Antora Collector Extension to enable po4a to generate translated documents and inject these to the content aggregate.

  6. Incorporates Antora Assembler to produce a pdf for each component/language.

    • Todo:

    • Add a button to the toolbar to download pdf.

Build this locally.

  1. Clone this repo

    git clone`
  2. Build the ui

    pushd ui
    npm i
    gulp bundle
  3. Build the site

    npm i
    npm run build-local


UI repo

  1. Copy the ui outside of this directory and do a git init.

  2. Push to git hosting service. (gitlab ci included)

  3. Within ui/src/partials customize the header.hbs and header-content.$lang files, renaming and editing according to your languages.

  4. Customize and/or add translations for tooltips and messages in js/vendor/i18n-head.js.

Docs repo

  1. Copy/create a repo containing docs and l10n directories with antora.yml under docs/lang edited to reflect the site languages and component names.

  2. Copy the script to the base of the document repo, and adjust lang variable statement appropriately.

Playbook build repo

  1. Edit playbook.yml to specify the languages used by lunr search.

      - '@antora/collector-extension'
      - require: '@antora/lunr-extension'
        languages: [en, fr]
      - require: '@antora/pdf-extension'
  2. Edit playbook.yml to point the correct ui bundle and document repo. == Language requirements

  3. Each language should be organized as a repository root.

Content descriptor file

  1. The content descriptor file (antora.yml), should specify the version as the iso language code corresponding to that used in the header-content.$lang.hbs and i18n.js files.

  2. For each target translation the language code must be specified in the run and scan: dir: values of the collector extension. See <po4a> below.

Table 1. Sample descriptor files
Source language descriptor Target language descriptor
name: antora-i18n
title: Multilingual Antora
version: en
display_version: English
  - modules/ROOT/nav.adoc
name: antora-i18n
title: Antora multilingue
version: fr
display_version: Français
  - modules/ROOT/nav.adoc
      command: "po4a --variable langs=fr po4a.cfg"
      dir: build/fr

Page attributes

  1. The page attributes may include a :lang: attribute that is used to include the locale specific asciidoctor files.

  2. (Optionally) Copy the [locale files you need] to the pages/locale directory of the corresponding language in your document repo.

  3. Pages will by default be generated with an html "lang" attribute (<html lang="fr">) corresponding to the language of the component version. However this may be overridden by setting an optional :page-lang: attribute in the document. (ie you may have an English document in the French section (component version) of your site.


Po4a is very flexible and may be configured in a number of ways. This is just one example.

  1. Modify the script and change the langs variable to reflect all the target languages of the site.

    Never run an unknown script without verifying what it does! This script assumes that these files are in a git repo and does a commit on the l10n directory each time it is run.
  2. All source language files must be located under the repository root for the source language. Each translatable file must also be entered in the po4a.cfg file.

    In in the content descriptor file the lang variable is set to the single language of that component version.
  3. Whenever any change is made to a source document or a new source document is added, the script must be run.

  4. After running the script, filename.po files for all target languages will be generated under the l10/po directory.

  5. Edit the generated po files with your favorite po editor. (Neovim/emacs, poedit gtranslator and many more.)

  6. When generating your site with npx antora playbook.yml your translated documents will be generated and injected into the content catalogue.

  7. See the asciidoc options man page for information on asciidoc specific options available for the po4a.cfg file. Some very useful options (included po4a.cfg):


    Specify the attributes you want to translate. Probably lang, page-tags, keywords, description, etc.


    Tell po4a if you want to translate tables at the cell level


    What percentage of the doc needs to be translated in order to publish it.

  8. All the options can be specified as global defaults and then may be overridden for each file.

  9. One very useful general po4a option is pot=prefix for files that would normally be overwritten. This would be the case for nav.adoc or index.adoc files in different modules. With the pot= option, po4a will add a prefix to the generated po files. It may be practical to use the module name ie pot=ROOT-nav to easily identify each nav.adoc or index.adoc.

This site built by Boyd Kelly with Svelte, Asciidoc, Carbon design, and lots of Neovim.