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Yet Still Again ?

What is the difference between these 3 terms ?

French has a reputation of being more precise than English. And it often is especially when it comes to verbs. However sometimes English can be more precise than French.

Here is an interesting example








Encore (souvent traduit par 'même', mais parfois 'encore')

and also(et encore).[1] :

Yet again


Yes sometimes you an find in English the two words together in the same sentence: 'yet again…​'. What does that mean?

In English we have not only four words, but four different meanings which usually are translated with the same word in French. Do you understand the 'nuance'?

Here are a few examples
She hasn’t come yet

Elle n’est pas encore venue

She is yet to come

Elle n’est pas encore venue

She is still sleeping

Elle dort encore. (Elle continue à dormir)

She is eating again

Elle mange encore. (Elle mange de nouveau)

She is going yet again

Elle va encore. (Elle continue d’y aller une fois de plus)

It’s even more difficult than I thought

C’est encore plus difficile que je ne le pensais.

There’s even more to come

Il y en a encore davantage à venir.


An action that has not (yet) occurred.


An ongoing action that has not stopped.


An action which stops and restarts.


Similar to 'still'

Something has stopped or is no longer but it will be again

Yet again

1. In the English version of this document, I have translated 'encore' with 'also'.